2019 Kurilpa Poetry Cup

Photo Review

It was a Brilling Day, and there were certainly at least a handful of borogroves out there on the Wabe, but as to whether they were gimbling or gyring, it was impossible to say at that distance.

Meanwhile the Poets were gathering in their numbers inside the Old Croquet Club at sacred Musgrave Park for the running of the fabulous Kurilpa Poetry Cup.

This was the Seventh occasion that the Cup has been run & won and thirteen talented Poets lined up at the track this year to compete for the honour of winning this fabulous

Literary Artefact, long reputed to possess Mystical Powers.

We were fortunate to have as Feature Poet and esteemed Poetic Judge this year, non-other than our very own local City Councillor, noted Political Maverick & Poetic Firebrand,

Mr Jonothan SRI.

Rousing the Rabble, Mr Jono Sri

It was also an emotional occasion for the regular crew, as this was to be our last monthly event held at the old Croquet Club, where we have had so many memorable Events over recent years. But all things change, and current President Cam has already taken steps to find us a new home, and so we shake off the nostalgia like a dog that’s just come bounding out of the Sea, and look forward to the Future with bright &eager eyes.

The REV smiting the ungodly

Straight up out of the gates was former Kurilpa President, the Reverend Hellfire. This was the first time the Rev has been able to participate in the Cup himself due to ‘conflict of interest’ issues in previous years, but now out of Office, he was keen to take this opportunity to demonstrate his poetic prowess, with a wandering shaggy dog story covering Magic, Flying Saucers and SCUD missiles, (amongst other things) that took him through to the Second Round.

The erudite & fertile Fiona Privitera

Following the Rev was another firm favourite with the Water Rats, non-other than Fiona Privitera herself, on this occasion accompanied by her onboard passenger. (editors note; said Passenger has since arrived. Mother & Child are doing well) Fi was the Kurilpa Poetry Cup winner herself a couple of years back and her poetry has the ability to be both clinical and emotional and though invariably delivered quietly, it always packs a kick. Her selection for this occasion won her a well deserved place in the Final round.

Next up was Paul Dobbyn with a humorous conversational/observational poem with Beetlesque overtones that landed him in Christchurch with a cracked skull.

Paul Dobbyn points the way forward

Gentleman Poet, Mr Michael Vaughan then took the stage to deliver in a quiet but confident tones a perfectly phrased Love poem in the sonnet form, framed, as is his wont, with appropriate quotations.

Though this was apparently the first time Hayley P. aka “Pixxigutzz” has ever read in public, she took to the stage and delivered her angst-laden but feisty verse with a verve & confidence that took her on to the finals. PG indeed!

Next up, that Dynamo of Dyslexia, the ever popular SAVANU, demonstrating the gentle art of using “found objects” from your environment (eg signs, menus, etc) to construct poems. If that sounds confusing, believe me, it all adds up..to $39.60 on this occasion, apparently. SAV knows.

Next up was TREEBEARD, who had travelled all the way from Arnhem Land to be with us, a rapping Daedalus from the Desert seamlessly delivering a Tripping Tap-dancing rap at impressive length. Perhaps he learned the circular breathing technique for playing didgereedoo while up in the Territory? Whatever, his powerful performance took him to the next round.

Our Visual Arts Director, Shane K then stepped forth to demonstrate his skills in a different Medium from his usual oeuvre, delivering us a charming piece of whimsy concerning a Cats Dream, that won the Judges heart and took Shane thru to the finals.

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Also demonstrating unsuspected talents was David, Cello Player extraordinary and known musical associate of of the lovely JEM SPARKLES, explaining (on general principles) why,

I will not become a member.

Joining us all the way from Murwillumbah was Damien Becker,

a member of local outfit there, the Poetry Out Loud Crew, I believe. Damien gave us a thoughtful & moving meditation on Art, the Environment, and what we will leave for our Grandchildren, that drew sustained applause from the audience and earned him a place in the Final Round.

Local Legend, the “Loaded Dog” was up next, delivering an appropriately Lawson-esque Diss on the chicanery of Modern Day Politicians. A Poet with bite!

Twas good to see Nigel Q return to the Kurilpa Poets stage again.

He told us an archetypal tale,

entertaining us with the antics of our local Cops & Robbers.

Wrapping up the First Round was FLO, a young chap with a French accent, who accompanied himself on the keyboards to croon to us an atmospheric Cabaret style poem. Wow! It was great, and a fitting way to cap off the Opening Round.

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So then it was break time and whilst the Poets chatted and ate and made merry, up on stage Jem SPARKLES shimmered and shone, stomping & moaning and growling and purring her up-beat selection of Original tunes and Seventies favourites. When she kicked into “Ring of Fire” the Rev could hold back no longer and falling to his knees at Jem’s feet, sang an impassioned accompaniment to the second verse.

Young David on Cello soared industriously away, ably supporting Jem’s pyro-technics with a magnificent humm & thrumm. The two muso’s wove a rich full sonic tapestry to enfold us in.

Fittingly for this, our final gig at the Croquet Club, Jem ended her last set with a Stirling rendition of Jimmy Morrison & the Doors doom laden classic, “The End” and left the stage to rapturous applause.

Next up it was time for our esteemed, elected local representative

Kurilpa Cup Judge, Mr Jonothan Sri to stretch his poetic legs.

He clearly enjoyed the opportunity to get back to his poetic roots,

and delivered a powerhouse set, passionate and visionary.

Jono knows his material by Heart, for it comes from the Heart, and he delivers in a style both precise & well articulated and somehow at the same time, conversational. No doubt about it, as a Performance Poet he is up there with the best.

Whilst outside the Plovers screeched in accompaniment

inside Jono declaimed “Change is coming to Brisbane”,

railing with the fervour of an old Testament Prophet

and the audience responded with their own fervour.

Councillor SRI in action

For the final round Jono selected 6 poets to deliver a second poem;

Treebeard, Shane K., Damien Becker, The Reverend Hellfire, Fi and Ms Pixxiegutzz.

All six deserved their place in the second Round, and as Jono admitted, there were a couple more who could easily have been selected. Yes, the poetic quality was high that day, the content was eclectic and varied, and overall I didn’t hear a single dud poem.

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Reverend Hellfire led off with his own Epic of Environmental Angst, laden with prophetic foreboding. Damien Becker delved into the deeply personal to discover the archetypal. Shane K had Death itself nibbling at his buttocks, Treebeards’ reflected ruminations proved to be conclusively inconclusive, and MZ PixxieGutz confirmed her reputation as the articulate voice of Teen Angst, while Fi’s gentle tale spoke to us of the quiet joys of Domestic Bliss, Love and Food. Especially the Food.

Linda surveys the art of the enigmatic Shane K.

And so it was Judgement Hour. Various Public Service Announcements of Interest filled the brief interlude, as our worthy Judge tallied his notes, flipped coins, and prepared his Alibis. Meanwhile Visual Arts Director Shane K was subjected to questioning over his Art, which was featuring on the Virtual Gallery for the occasion.

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I didn’t envy Jono his task. Judging Poetry performances is fraught with peril at the best of times. How much weight should be given to the Delivery?..to the Content?..to the Skill shown in the construction, to the “Punch” of the Poem itself, the immediate visceral Hit of Recognition when a poem is saying it & laying it down True?

Starting with the Judges’ Traditional Opening Remarks on the Difficulty of their Task, Jono when on to thoughtfully and generously review the Work presented that day. But in the end, as they say, there can only be One Winner (well, actually one year we had Two winners, and ever since then we’ve kept a spare Cup to one side..just in case) and in this particular instance, it was our Journeyman Poet from across the Tweed, Mr Damien Becker who won the day with his alchemically constructed poetry that amalgamated the Personal with the Political

and distilled it into the Philosophical.

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Showing that the Judges instincts weren’t entirely amiss,

it was then revealed that Damien was also this years winner of the People’s Choice Award! This is the first time that a competing Poet has collected both Prizes simultaneously, so Damien can truly claim to have won both Critical and Popular acclaim.

(One of Damien’s prize winning poems will be appearing shortly on this site.)

All in all it was indeed a fabulous occasion, and a fitting goodbye to the old Croquet Club which has provided us with such a fine home for so long. Thanks to all the Poets, all the Listeners and everyone who contributed to make it such a memorable occasion.

just the usual assortment of ratbags & nogoodnoks


Words- Unckle Rat

Pictures; Shane K (mostly)


Kurilpa Cup 2019

Hear ye, hear ye, ratbags and misfits of Kurilpa!

(and Brisbane Poetry in general).

The time is nigh once again for the fabled

Kurilpa Poetry Cup


The previous year’s cup, (rumoured to hold mystical powers)…


Stay tuned, gentlefolk, as the final details for this noble tradition of the spoken word are even now taking shape. An esteemed guest poet will shortly be




invited to act as judge for the day’s contest, which will see entrants competing not only for the fabulous Kurilpa Cup itself, but also for the associated subsidiary prizes traditionally presented to the winner, these being;

a jug of wine, a loaf of bread and a book of verse.

There will also be some cash and some handsome certificates presented not just to the Winner but to the Runners Up to commemorate their Triumph, and indeed there will be a general grab bag of prizes to be presented, as whim and fancy dictates, to competing poets on the day.

So get ready, Brisbane! Gird your loins, sharpen your teeth and bring your bitter words! Bring your sweet sonnets! Bring your sarcastic satires!

Bring your sonorous Odes!

Sunday, 30th June,

Door Opens 2pm with our

 Mystery Musician of the Month!!!

at the West End Croquet Club,

91 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane.

More details TBA soon!

2018 KPcup


2018 Kurilpa Poetry Cup Shock Results!

Kurilpa Poetry Cup Results

& Photos

Geoffrey Evans unleashes his Word Horde at the 2018 KPC

The day of the long-awaited Kurilpa Poetry Cup opened to the sweet swell of good-times music, as our June Mystery Musician, the legendary Jeff Usher himself, cracked open the keyboards and began to play.

The Great Jeff Usher in action

Out-going President Reverend Hellfire then got the poetic ball rolling with a side-splitting attack on “the cliques & claques” that seem to infest some Poetry Groups.

The Rev confides in an audience member

Bravely stepping up to the Mic after the Reverend’s antics, was gentleman Poet Michael Vaughan, who gave us a deceptively subtle sonnet on the search for a Soothing Somnia.

(Editors note: Interesting coincidence; my research earlier that week revealed that the online “Power Thesaurus” gives us 457 soporific synonyms, which surely goes to prove something.)

Two times Kurilpa Poetry Cup Winner, Cameron Logan then launched into his campaign to become the only Triple Cup winner in the Water-Rats’ history. “All shall make Merry,” he declared, and accordingly proceeded cross-legged to unleash some witty and well-sculpted wordcraft.

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Kurilpa Poets stalwart Geoffrey Evans then opened his word horde, giving a confident and bravura performance. Mixing humour with pathos, romance with clinical observation, I’ve never seen Geoffrey give a better performance and it was a shame he didn’t make it into the second round.

But competition was strong, places for the second round were few and I don’t think anyone read a dud poem that afternoon. I was certainly glad not to have to do the judging myself this year.

Veteran Poet Tom Nelson was up next and did not disappoint the crowd with an hilarious satirical poem probably entitled something like,

“State of Origin of the Species”,

where football becomes a metaphor of Evolution (or is it De-volution?) and where:

“straining men give birth to a leather ball”.

Paul Dobbyn came up next with some keen observational poetry, tinged with a hint of sepia-toned nostalgia.

Then Linda Loop was persuaded to leave the safety of the kitchen and take centre stage for a change. Though better known for her Trumpet playing, Linda has a well-trained, strong and emotive voice and gave us a powerful acapella rendition of her “Comet Poem”. “There is some hope for our dear Earth” she reassures us, voice soaring, and indeed, at that moment one can believe it just might be true.

Last but certainly not least by any stretch of the Imagination, was the strangely named “Pubert Gaylord“. (Informed sources have it that this is but a nom-de-Plume for the iconoclastic Greenslopes Poet formerly known as “Ken“.) Be that as it may, “Pubert” gave us a hearty “anti-ode” to Summer,

yearning for a place “where the Dead don’t decompose” before your eyes. 

And so the first round concluded. Whilst our esteemed but still un-named Judge considered who to pass onto the second round, and Reverend Hellfire scuttled amongst the crowd collecting votes for the People’s Choice award, Blues maestro Jeff Usher once more took to the Electric Piano waiting for him in the corner. Jeff’s fingers moved with grace and precision over the keyboard, effortlessly generating music pulsing with Life-Force, manifesting in architectonic arabesques both intricate and delicate.

As usual a bounteous feast was provided at the Break through the generosity of the Kurilpa Poets & Friends, and beautifully prepared and presented thanks to the energy of Linda and her Crew of eager Kitchen Volunteers.

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After the break, it was time for our Feature Poet, respected local Poet and former Speed Poets head Honcho JDUB (aka John Wainright) to “Send a crow to lay words in (our) Heads“.

JDUB‘s humorous, insightful poems were well received by the audience. Particularly popular was his surrealistic tale called, “The Domestication of Poetry“, where he goes right into the history of Poetry from the time of Gilgamesh, when, “poets were first kept for their songs”. Now, after centuries of selective breeding, “modern poets look very different from their distant ancestors“.

JDUB domesticating wild verse

And now we moved into the second round of the Competition.

The Four Finalists were called forth one by one to do battle Poetic. First up was Cam Logan, going for that poetic hat-trick with a witty new poem, A kind of Gastropod Dreaming where ancestor snails shape the landscape with their primordial slime and dream at night of unguarded cabbages.

Thomas Nelson returned with a cautionary tale of cat scratch fever.


Linda Loop seemed surprised (nay, stunned!) to be called forth as a finalist, but she rose to the occasion with another soaringly sung acapella piece, “Approaching the Zenith”. Is it really a poem if it’s sung, some pedants might whine, but Poetry & Music have been working together for thousands of years,

and I know from my own performance experience, some poems just want to be sung.

Pubert Gaylord returning to strut & fret upon the stage once more, was also fired with the urge to sing, growling & grunting a guttural gut-bucket of a ballad by the name of, “Russ Hinze Blues”.

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Twas all such fun that the end of the day came too quick for me. But the moment to award the coveted Cup had arrived, and our Judge was revealed as none other than JDUB himself. But first the Rev announced that the inaugural Peoples’ Choice Award went to ..


The 2018 KPC “Peoples Choice” winner receives his award.

The charming Mr Gaylord won by an overwhelming majority, though honourable mentions are due to Geoffrey Evans and Linda Loop-they both clearly had their fan clubs out.

Grinning broadly, Mr Gaylord sauntered to cheers back on stage to collect his shiny trophy (yet to be engraved-oh the engraver’s going to love this one!) and a fine bottle of Sacred Hill, the Reverend’s favourite five dollar Shiraz.

Finally, with an imaginary drum-roll on an invisible snare, a somewhat bemused looking JDUB announced his decision and then the coveted, mystically-endowed Kurilpa Poetry Cup itself was presented to none other than…


2018 Kurilpa Poety Cup winner, Linda Loop, aka; “the Acapella Kid”

“I am truly surprised and humbled to have been awarded the Kurilpa poetry Cup”, declared a stunned Linda Loop,

as she was presented with the Cup itself and the traditional prize bundle “Loaf of Bread, Jug of Wine, and Book of Verses” (This year’s “Book of Verse” was a slim volume of verse by Ipswich poet Tom Shapcott, a fitting choice. The wine was a beautifully bottled fine Rice Wine, thoughtfully donated by JDUB).

“There were so many great poems read today”, Ms Loop opined”, myself, I voted for Pubert for the People’s Choice Award. It would have been nice though to have had a few more women get up and have a go”.

Congratulations to both Linda & Pubert, who truly deserved their prizes for their well-crafted words and professional performances.

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Meanwhile the Rev did his best to make sure no-one was forgotten, and all those competing won something for their efforts. My notes disintegrate at this point but I do believe Geoffrey Evans won a potato-powered clock, whilst former two-time cup winner, Cam Logan was presented with a small jar of pickles. Paul Dobbyn seemed pleased to be awarded a charming, cat-shaped china money-box.

Happy prizewinner, Paul Dobbyn!


Big thanks to everyone who helped make the 2018 Kurilpa Poetry Cup a memorable day; to the brave poets who gave it their all and to the audience who stopped for a moment to listen to another’s words.

More thanks are due to those who cheerfully pitch in every month to help set up and clean up and shut-down and run the kitchen and the door and everything in-between. Your name is both Legion & Legend!

AS is those who regularly bring fine food and drinks to share and help bring our community together.

Finally, gratitude is due to all who reached into their pockets in the last month in response to our appeal. Your generous donations have allowed the Water Rats to meet all our most pressing financial commitments and continue on for yet another year.

Cam contemplates his prize pickles

I’ll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

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-Words; Unckle Rat

Images; Shane K




Organisers today revealed the Sacred Vessel chosen to contain the Hopes and Dreams of the Poetic Challengers in this Sunday’s renowned KURILPA POETRY CUP.

The gleaming silver goblet was acquired through the good-will of St Vincents, and lovingly engraved by the talented Master Engraver at Kader Keys & Repairs, conveniently located at the top of the escalator at Buranda Shopping Centre. Following due invocation, the Muse Calliope herself bestowed upon the Cup her mystic Blessings.

Glowing with mystical symbolism, the 2018 KP Cup

The Cup now resides in heavily guarded strong-box beside the jug of wine, loaf of bread & Book of verses that are part of the grab-bag of symbolic prizes traditionally awarded at this prestigious event.

“I’m looking forward to hearing some really weird & wonderful poetry,” opined outgoing KICI President Hellfire, “the Cup always draws some wild cards out of the woodwork

Calligraphy by Kader Keys & Repairs


The Kurilpa Poetry Cup, Sunday 24th June, featuring JDUB & Jeff Usher




Sunday, June 24th, 2pm

The Croquet Club, 91 Cordelia Street


and also appearing



& Musical Blues legend


Unsuspected Artist

Philip Guston

And so the esteemed, if somewhat belated, Kurilpa Poetry Cup has arrived at last! Stumbling into it’s 7th year, it now finds itself in danger of becoming a local Institution! But fear not! We shall do our best to ignore the encroaching ravages of Respectability and console ourselves with the thought that most of our Poets belong in some sort of Institution anyway.

So come one, come all! Bring your best poems and join the fray, or just come to listen and enjoy the day!

The guideliness are pretty much the same as in previous years..


*There is no fee for competing in the Cup.

*Sign up is from 1.45.

*The first round will start approx 2.20.

*A number of finalists will be selected to go on to the final round, so have at least 2 two poems prepared.

*You can use props or musical instruments or assistants.

*There is not usually a time limit, but if there are a large number of entrants we may have to ration out reading time on the day. We therefore advise keeping yr poems under the 4 minute mark.

The Winning Poet will be showered with prizes, these being;

*An elegant, re-purposed Trophy (reputed to possess Mystical Powers!)

*A handsome certificate suitable for framing or wrapping fish

*$50 in cash,

and of course, the traditional

*Loaf of Bread, Jug of Wine and Book of Verses.

2012 Cup winner Cam Logan receives his prizes

Runners-up will also be presented with a Certificate of Achievement, and indeed, every competing Poet this year will be awarded some sort of trinket as a reward for their effort.

For those interested in learning more about the origins and history of this Iconic Event, the Reverend Hellfire has produced an historical monograph, which can be read at;


So come and watch some of Brisbanes best Poets strutting their stuff. Who will win this year? Some tried and true Old Hand or a complete unknown? It’s in the lap of the Muses!

Adding to the entertainment that day, we have coaxed former SPEED POETS Head Honcho, the highly esteemed JDUB (aka John Wainright) to perform a set of his subtle poems and help out with the Judging Duties.

Providing a melodious musical backdrop will be Brisbane Jazz & Blues giant JEFF USHER, while up on the Virtual Gallery’s Big Screen, the strange and disturbing Art of Philip Guston will be providing a visual counter-point to this wonderous Word-Fest!

As always Free Food & Refreshments will be provided by the water-rats kitchen.

Price of admission? A mere $5 for members & $8 for the general public.

So come one, come all to this not to be missed event

and join the Water rats and Friends at the old Croquet Club, 91 Cordelia Street

beneath the trees of sacred Musgrave Park.



The Truth behind the 2017 Kurilpa Poetry Cup!

The 2016 Cup.. well, one of them!

We encourage newcomers to the Kurilpa Poetry Cup to delve deeply into our Archives

and there peruse the Historical Records, to learn thereby the fascinating Facts

and monstrous Myths surrounding the origins of this revered Ancient Folk Ritual.

Truth Seekers should Click on the link below to discover..

The True History of the Kurilpa Poetry Cup


The 2013 Kurilpa Poetry Cup

An early relic; The 2013 Kurilpa Poetry Cup

2017 KURILPA POETRY CUP, Sunday, 26th Feb

Announcing that, yes, it’s time for;

The 2017



Sunday, 26th February, 2017

at the olde Croquet Club

91 Cordelia Street, West End.


Fabulous Prizes!

Mystery Musicians!

The Virtual Gallery!

Free Food & Refreshments!

And Special Feature Poet



And so as the esteemed Kurilpa Poetry Cup stumbles into it’s 6th year, it finds itself in danger of becoming a local Institution! But we shall do our best to ignore the encroaching ravages of Respectability and console ourselves with the thought that most of our Poets belong in some sort of Institution anyway.

We’re proud to have 2-time Cup winner


graciously agree to act as Judge, Jury, and Executioner for the Kurilpa Poetry Cup this year.


Twirls mustache, laughs sinister..

Cam, of course, will also be our Feature Poet for the occasion, as it’s become a Kurilpa Cup tradition

(or perhaps convention) that the presiding Judge also appears that day as Feature Poet, giving aspiring new poets an opportunity to learn from the Best, and we always try to have the most Inspirational Poets available to judge the Cup (hence recent Judges include Robin Archibold, David Stavanger

and David Hallett)


2015 Judge Arch, The Rev and Cam Logan winning his second Kurilpa Poetry Cup

Besides we feel it only fair to give our Judges an opportunity to show they can Walk the Walk as well as Talking the Talk, lest there be doubters or mockers. But doubt not! Globe-trotting Cam Logan is up there with the best of them. Check out his recent experimental work as FREE LUNA 

So come one come all. Bring your best poems and join the fray, or come to listen and enjoy the day!

The 2016 Cup.. well, one of them!

The 2016 Cup.. well, one of them!


The details are pretty much as always;

*Sign up is from 1.45.

*The first round will start approx 2.20.

*A number of finalists will be selected to go on to the final round, so have at least 2 two poems prepared.

*The Cup is free to enter.

*You can use props or musical instruments or assistants.

*There is not usually a time limit, but if there are a large number of entrants we may have to ration out reading time on the day. We therefore advise keeping yr poems under 4 minutes.

The Winning Poet will be showered with prizes, receiving;

An elegant, repurposed Trophy,

A handsome certificate suitable for framing or lining the budgie cage,

$50 in cash,

and of course, the traditional

Loaf of Bread, Jug of Wine and Book of Verses.

Runners up will get a certificate and some sort of trinket.

The 2013 Kurilpa Poetry Cup

The 2013 Kurilpa Poetry Cup

Please note that while it’s free to take part in the Cup, there will be a $5 door charge for all.

So come and Join us 2pm Sunday 26th February

for the fabulous KURILPA POETRY CUP

at the old Croquet Club, 91 Cordelia Street

on the edge of sacred Musgrave Park

and stay tuned for further updates..


2016's joint KPC winners, Andrew Ellery and Fiona Privitera

2016’s joint KPC winners, Andrew Ellery and Fiona Privitera compare Cup sizes

Kurilpa Poetry Cup Rules of Engagement 2016

The Multi-function 2015 Kurilpa Performance Poetry Cup

The Kurilpa Performance Poetry Cup


Rules of Engagement.

1. Sign on from 1.45 pm. First on, first up.

Cup Heats start 2.30pm.

2. Props and musical instruments are ok and you can have assistants or performing aquatic mammals to assist you.

3. No strict time limit but try and keep it at the 3-4 minute mark.

4. There are two rounds.

An undetermined number of worthy contestants

will be selected to go onto the final round,

so have two poems ready.

5. The winner will be presented with the Kurilpa Cup,

$50 in unmarked bills,

a loaf of bread, a bottle of wine and a Book of Verse,

AND a handsome certificate suitable for framing or wrapping fish.

Runners up will get something nice in the way of consolation.

6. The Judges’ decision will be Arbitrary and Final.

They may or may not choose to explain their decisions

or utter some encouraging remarks.

7. The Cup is free to enter.

8. While “performance poets” will be assessed partly on their performance skills, contestants who are “readers” will be assessed on reading ability and vocal skills, eg. clarity, as well as their ability to make contact with their audience whilst reading.

9. Note; Performance Enhancing Drugs are allowed

        as long as you share them with the Reverend before hand.


AND ONE LAST TIME, the address is:


91 CORDELIA Street, West End.


Kurtilpa poets logo resized


February Mystery Musician revealed!

Jeff Usher BIRD WINGS Front cover

Jeff Usher, Giant of Jazz

 to play Kurilpa!

The Kurilpa Poets are indeed honoured to present

as our Mystery Musician for February 28th

non-other than the legendary Brisbane based jazz pianist,

Jeff Usher.

Jeff Usher has been at the forefront of jazz and blues in Brisbane since the early 1980s, first coming to notice with the Jeff Usher Jazz Unit.

Highly respected as a pianist, composer and music educator,

he has toured extensively thoughout Australia and overseas.

He has also been a tutor at Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University since 1998, achieving a Master’s Degree in 2006, and will be completing a PHD in Composition from the University of Queensland in mid-2016.

Jeff Usher with Joanna Funk

Jeff Usher with Joanna Funk

Jeff has seven albums to his credit, including the award winning

“Leaps and Bounds” and most recently his 2015 release,

Bird Wings”, which was recorded live in concert

at the Brisbane Jazz Club with his ten-piece group,

A Love Supreme Super Band.

This album, featuring compositions written by Jeff as part of his PHD studies, is a high quality production that well captures the intimate atmosphere of a Jeff Usher gig.

“Bird Wings” will be available for purchase at the door and will cost a mere $20 (and I’m sure the artist will be glad to sign it for you if you ask nicely).

Birds of a Feather; Jeff Usher and friend

Birds of a Feather; Jeff Usher and friend

His recent activities have included successful performances at Jumpers and Jazz in 2014 and 2015. In May 2015 he commenced work as resident pianist at Nu Orleans Restaurant in Ipswich. He also recorded an album with the Brisbane Big Band in November 2015, and commenced recording a solo piano album in December 2015, which will hopefully be available later this year.

Now this Giant of Brisbane Jazz will be playing two sets for the Kurilpa Poets at the Kurilpa Cup on Sunday 28th February. Surely this years Cup will be an afternoon long to be remembered!

Jeff’s first set will be commencing at 2pm so make sure you turn up early so as not to miss a minute. Doors open from 1.45pm. Entry $5.

Here’s a couple of little samples of Jeff Usher in action to whet yr appetite..

