“Unsuspected Artist” of the Month; SHANE K



The enigmatic Director of Visual Arts steps forward this month to show us his etchings!

And his doodlings & scratchings & scribblings & inkings and daubings!

Yes he’s a versatile chap is our Shane, forever experimenting & exploring in an effort to expand the parameters of his Visual Lexicon. Further to that, his knowledge of Art appears to be encyclopedic. As the Kurilpa Poets’ highly esteemed Director of all things artistic & visual, Shane has been the person responsible for filling the Big Screen of our Virtual Art Gallery with a staggering array of artistic talents, from struggling, local newcomers, and obscure, old genius’s long-ago rotted in their garrets, to the Big Names of Art History as well, often shining a light on the more shadowy parts of their careers.

His penchant for playing early, black & white, surrealist experimental films has also provided an interesting counterpoint to the Poetry erupting on stage,

many’s the time a pleasant congruency of Word and Image has occured unlooked for as a result.

We thought it only fitting therefore, that Shane himself take the spotlight as the Unsuspected Artist of the Month, for this our final, monthly Kurilpa Poets gig at the olde Croquet Club.

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to witness a choice selection of the work of one of Brisbanes’ greatest “Unsuspected Artists”!

So see you 2pm this Sunday, 30th June

at the Kurilpa Poetry Cup

91 Cordelia Street, West End




Presenting this months Mystery Musician,



Is QPapaYandi really the son of a preacher man?

The lab reports were inconclusive, but nonetheless, this months Mystery Musician proudly claims the Reverend Hellfire as his Spiritual Father and fondly recalls their musical collaboration together on his first recording project, over 16 years ago.

After a long creative hiatus QPY has again picked up his sword and shield (and of course, his guitar) to fight the good fight for Love and Music!

Accordingly, this Musical Vagabond of the Heart can be found performing with the fabulous Whoopee-Do Crew, who appear regularly at West Ends’ Peoples Park and at West End and Gailes Community House events.

Q-Papa-Yandi has also been a regular reader this year at the Kurilpa Poets’ Open Mic sessions, where he has often impressed the crowd with his free flowing improvisational rap/poems. Now he makes his first solo musical appearance for the Water Rats. So come listen to his licks, tap your toes to his tunes and celebrate the musical return of this prodigal son to the fold.

In the meantime, here’s a sample of his stuff. Check it out.




In breaking news Kurilpa’s Visual Arts Director, Shane K, has announced that the theme of this months VIRTUAL GALLERY will be the gorgeous world of traditional


“Erotic Japanese prints?” we asked hopefully.

Our enigmatic and erudite Arts Director merely sniffed.

“It will all be very tasteful,” he assured us.

We look forward eagerly to this aesthetic experience.



IS THIS LOVE? Sunday July 31st., with Matt Hetherington

The Kurilpa Poets present:

embrace detail with bckgrnd

Sunday July 31st, 3pm

“Is this Love?”

Yes, Spring is just around the corner, you can sniff it in the air already, soon Winter’s Wattles will be blooming, to mark the turning of the Seasons, and surely also Love itself will be blooming unbidden in many a breast! So to get in the mood, this month’s theme is the Love Poem in all its forms and permutations. To illustrate, Master of Ceremonies, the Reverend Hellfire will be reading judicious selections and appropriate quotes from “the Greats“.

Matt Hetherington Doctor of Love

Stepping up as Feature Poet will be non-other than

Matt Hetherington (AKA “The Doctor of Love”)

Matt is apparently moving to Northern New South soon, so don’t miss this possibly almost last opportunity to witness the words & works of this Love poem aficionado!

Matt Hetherington

And don’t forget to bring along your own Odes to the Love Supreme and share your sensitive yearnings with the Water Rats. But Hey! Feel free to bring satirical Anti-Love poems, or bitter sonnets of doomed romance, or indeed poems of any topic at all for our two fabulous, free-speakin’, straight talkin’ Open Mic Sessions.

The_bridge_in_curve_1926 (1)

The bridge in curve, 1926, Grace Cossington Smith

Illuminating our walls as always will be the Virtual Gallery‘s Unsuspected Artist of the Month. July will feature with the works of Grace Cossington Smith. This sadly now largely forgotten Australian Artist and pioneer of modernist painting is considered as being largely responsible for bringing Post Impressionism into the Aussie Art scene.

I confess I know little about her myself, (except that she lived to be over a hundred!) but I’m sure our erudite Visual Arts Director, Shane K will be able to enlighten us with one of his wonderfully edutaining talks.

Grace Cossington Smith

Grace Cossington Smith

Appropriately, given this month’s theme, our favourite Mystery Musician, the lovely Jem Sparkles, will be appearing in July to sing her inspiring songs of Love, Loss, Longing and Desire. We are uncertain at the time of writing whether Jem will be playing Solo on this occasion, or accompanied by her Golden Boys, but either way there’ll be much in the way of moody mood music in the air.

Jem Sparkles Solo Shock!

Jem Sparkles Solo Shock!

As always Food and Refreshment is provided Free

and there is Free on-site parking also.

There is a small door charge of $5 ($3 members) to cover the rent, etc.

Also, it’s become a bit of a custom at Kurilpa Poets

 for the community-minded to bring along a plate or bottle

or packet of something nice to contribute

and share at the feast. But only if you feel like it,

of course.

Be sure to check the Water Rat Gazette at kurilpapoetry.wordpress.com

for upcoming announcements.

croq club back steps and tree


Virtual Gallery feature artist SAUL STEINBERG

Shane K discusses this month’s Virtual Gallery Feature Artist..


Saul Steinberg

Dear folks,

among my crimes against humanity,

I am the Visual Arts Director for the Kurilpa Poets.

. One of my duties is organising a visual display each month

to accompany the poetic flights of our performers.

This month the Virtual Gallery‘s feature artist is Saul Steinberg.


Saul Steinberg was born to a Jewish family

in Râmnicu Sărat, Buzău, Romania in 1914.

He studied architecture in Milan, graduating in 1940.

Shortly after his graduation the introduction of anti-

Semitic laws by the Fascist government led him to leave Italy.

He spent a year in the Dominican Republic

whilst awaiting a visa to the United States.

Steinberg’s entry to the USA was sponsored by the New Yorkera magazine he was to be intimately involved with,

creating 87 covers and over 1200 drawings.


Steinberg brought a European sensibility to his work and an outsider’s sense of the foibles and follies of American life

as well as a genuine affection for his subjects. His Art blurred the line between

cartooning and “fine” art and his work was often shown in galleries.

As well as drawing, he enjoyed creating crude, vital masks out of such materials

 as cardboard and paper bags.

His work was wide-ranging and hard to easily define.

Many were reminiscent of MC Escher and explored the links and gaps

 between perception and reproduction, leading his work

to be highly praised by the great Art theorist EH Gombrich.


He was also one of the finest political cartoonists of the 20th century,

 mocking the post-war American cult of the “Organisational Man

and showing a USA whose deities included Sigmund Freud,

Santa Claus and Uncle Tom.

In the 1970s he did a series of drawings of Mousketeer terrorists,

those cute young kids from the 50’s have acquired Armalites

and seem keen to fuck things up.

Steinberg died in 1999, but his work remains influential.

The New Yorker still continues to occasionally re-print his covers.


Don’t forget, he next meeting of the Kurilpa Poets is on Sunday 27 September,

at the South Brisbane Croquet Club, Musgrave Park, West End at 2pm.

Local Visual Artists who are interested having their work shown 

on the Virtual Gallery should contact Shane K or Rev Hellfire at Kurilpapoets@yahoo.com.au

Meantime come along this month and check out the eclectic weirdness

of Saul Steinberg.

Kurilpa Poets- Where a good time is always had.

