The fabulous Kurilpa Cup

The fabulous Kurilpa Cup


The KURILPA POETS present;

Sunday, 24th February 2pm

The Kurilpa Cup Super Slam


feature poet David Hallett


The KURILPA POETS are starting their 2013 programme with a great double-featured event back in the old Croquet Club in Musgrave Park. First up is the esteemed

Kurilpa Cup Performance Poetry Super Slam

The winner of the Slam will receive the fabulous KURILPA CUP. This handsome crystal Goblet was meticulously designed & decorated by the multi-talented master-craftsman & poet, Dushan Bojic. Dushan’s uniquely decorated glassware has won a world-wide market and commands high prices, so we thank him for his donation of this fine vessel.

As well as the Cup itself the Poet awarded first place receives (roll of drums)..

* a $30 dollar cash prize in unmarked, non sequential bills.

*a handsome certificate commemorating their Victory

* Plus; a loaf of bread, a jug of wine and a book of verses!

The winning poem will also appear on our website the Water Rat Gazette

But this being a Kurilpa Poets event no effort goes unrewarded so there’ll be lots of consolation prizes for the runners-up.

So come one, come all! The Slam is Free to enter. Poems can run up to 4 minutes or so. Bring a second poem in case your selected as a finalist. Props and instruments are allowed.

Plus Special Feature Poet; DAVID HALLETT

wordsmith David Hallett

wordsmith David Hallett

As if this wasn’t enough, the Kurilpa Poets are proud to be able to present (at last) the Master-Slammer and legendary Performance Poet, David Hallett.

David is the founder and manager of two of Australia’s longest running and most esteemed poetry events; Byron Bay’s “Writers at the Rails” and Lismore’s “Live Poets.” He is also twice winner of the Poetry Olympics at the Sydney Writers Festival, as well as winning the 2003 Nimbin Performance Poetry World Cup, the Byron Bay Festival Poetry Prize AND the “Spirit of Woodford Prize” in 2005.

His poetry jumps from page to stage, leap-frogging sexual, social and personal politics wearing its heart on its sleeve and its tongue firmly in cheek. He has performed in the beat Cafes of New York and the Sydney Opera House. Now he manifests in Brisbane for the Kurilpa Poets. Don’t miss this his only Brisbane show!

*Plus this Months Mystery Musician; Tania Tulip

Each month the Kurilpa Poets selects one of West Ends fine buskers to appear as our “Mystery Musician” and provide a musical interlude. However this months Mystery Musician, Tania Tulip, has disappeared. Tania where are you? It’s all a mystery. Prepare to be surprised.

reading the fine print-Dushan Bojic

reading the fine print-Dushan Bojic

* Further adding to the events ambience will be the Audio-Visual projections of Cup-maker Dushan Bojic. Featuring Dushans latest experiments in visual/sound art design these will be being projected at various times thruout the event.

kurilpa cup

Also appearing that day, to amuse the crowd with his unpredictable antics & fire-breathing poetry, will be

The Reverend Hellfire as Master of Ceremonies.

Non-attendees be warned; you will be excommunicated!

rev on fire

Tea, Coffee and Light Refreshments;

are generously provided by the Kurilpa Poets. But we’re just a bunch of poor poets, so we love it when people get involved and contribute something to the table. Be it a pack of biscuits or a loaf of bread or a bottle of cheap red, your gesture will be appreciated.


The Kurilpa Poets are conveniently located at

the Olde Croquet Club, 91 Cordelia Street, West End.

This charming little hall is situated amongst the trees on the edge of Musgrave Park. Come and join us in its air-conditioned comfort.



The price for this fabulous event is a mere $5 for the waged and $2 for the poor.

We’re close to West End & Fairfield bus routes and there is on-site parking.

Hope to see you there!


Check out Kurilpa Poet updates, news and reviews on our website,

The Water-Rat Gazette

located at ;



David Hallett words and works can be found at



Can you win the Kurilpa Cup?

Can you win the Kurilpa Cup?


Upcoming Event-Kurilpa Poets July Gala!


The Kurilpa Poets, Sunday 29th

July Gala 


The greatest Triple-Header since Cerebus stalked the underworld, with not One but Three Feature Poets struggling for supremacy. These wondrous wordsmiths are non-other than:

*”Unckle” Fats Parameter This anarchistic rat-bag is the infamous creator of the legendary hit-single “Pig City“. A respected local musician, long time radical ratbag and most recently a notorious HEMP activist, Unckle Fats is also a poet of surprising vision and unsuspected depths.


*Cameron Logan was the winner of the Kurilpa Poets 2011 End-of-Year Slam, and now returns to give us a further demonstration of his Art. A regular performer around the Brisbane poetry scene, Cameron’s style is highly theatrical, his humour veering from high cultural satire to the crudest of japes. Surprisingly he claims not only Shakespeare, Yeats, Eliot and the “usual suspects” as influences but contemporary Brisbane poets as well!

* Dushan Bojic usually makes his living hustling as a pool-shark and writing other people’s Phd’s for them. The correctional facility has given him day release for the occasion, (it counts as Community Service) thus allowing Dushan the opportunity to inject us and infect us with his projectile texts. His multi-dimensional presentation will illuminate and consummate the afternoon’s performance.


*The Reverend Hellfire will be Master of Ceremonies for the occasion, so Fire Marshalls will be standing by to prevent outbreaks of spontaneous verbal combustion.


Aside from these poetic luminaries, the traditional Kurilpa Poets Open-Mic section will of course take place. Remember, participating poets get in cheaper, so dust off that poem at the bottom of the cupboard and bring it in!


And if you need further incentive to get up and read your poem, how about world-wide fame?

Yes, the whole Event will be video-recorded and later featured on You-Tube and the Kurilpa Poets Blog site, “The Water-Rat Gazette


Also appearing of course will be this months MYSTERY MUSICIAN. Your only hint; she’s a local lass who, plays a mean ukulele!


There is ample parking and Tea, Coffee and Light Refreshments will be served.

Entry fee is a gold coin donation for Kurilpa Poet members, open-mike performers, pensioners, students & the unemployed. Everyone else pays $5

STARTS; 2pm, Sunday 29th July

The Old Croquet Club, Musgrave Park

91 Cordelia Street, West End


