This video features some of the Kurilpa Poets in full Performance Mode at St Columbans High School in Caboolture a couple of years back, way back in the Before Time, back when people gathered without masks & VR codes & the legion of Social Restrictions that hedge us in today..

Up on stage (or down the back of the hall in Cam Logans‘ case) we see the Water Rats finest strut & fret their stuff, with the Reverend Hellfire, Sasha Cuha, Anita Reed, Paul Dobbyn & Theresa Tracey Creed demonstrating their skills at delivering the Word..

Lets hope live Poetry comes back in the Not Too Distant Future!




Kurilpa Poets May Photo Review, Atmospheric

Awash with ambience, Savanu takes centre stage at Atmospherics


ATMOSPHERIC, a breath of Fresh Air

No doubt about it, the Kurilpa Poets May event, the Elemental-Air themed “Atmospherics”, definitely had, well..atmosphere.

The day was ably Produced & Directed by talented Kurilpa Poetry Cup winner Fi Privitera, though sadly Fi demurred on this occasion to read any of her own subtle Poetry.

High flying Mystery Muso Pat Hehir from local rockers HAWKMOON soon had the room taking flight and reaching great heights. Showing some deft guitar work and an unexpectedly sweet-toned voice, almost like a young Robert Plant in his mellower moments, Pat definitely showed himself to be a true Child of the Seventies, musically speaking.

Lunar Bird-of-Prey, Pat Hehir, takes flight

FEATURE POET of the day was noted local Cultural Terrorist, the great, the terrible, SAVANNU!

Behold the Chosen One!

Now I have heard it said by some informed sources, that Sav is currently the best performance poet in Brisbane! Well! Certainly he’s one of the most distinctive and Individual voices on the scene and one of the most entertaining.

Taking the stage Sav begins his Set; Strange dissociated phrases assault our eardrums, cruel laughter taunts us,

“One day you may get a phone call..”Sav warns us/selected for jury duty he wakes up with an erection/”You have been selected for panel B.. Haha”.

While he reads the iconoclastic antics of Krazy Kat & Ignatz caper across the Virtual gallery’s screen in disjointed juxtaposition. Herriman was a very strange man no doubt about it and his Art seemed in perfect Sync with the words of our Feature Poet..

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Open Mic sees Kurilpa Poet veteran Paul Dobbyn take to the stage with an aesthetic tale told of his “neat but not gaudy” post operative scars, and followed with a more sombre poem for a Dead Future.

Gentleman poet Michael Vaughan wrapped us in Winter weather like a damp, grey shroud, while the Rev pondered the reality of the Air captured in a paper bag, before setting it free and startling the audience in the process.

Rev capturing the Winds

Geoffrey “call me Shakespeare” Evans took flight with a tribute to the mellifluous song of that noble Avian, the Magpie, and later offered to write people Seduction Poems for $50 a pop!

The esteemed Mr Ivan Radix reading with quiet intensity,contributed more atmospherics and gave us “morning mists caressing fields at Dawn”

“Where is Springtime?” he asks the room gravely, and “the promise of Cherry blossoms”.

Ken, a talented local poet and occasional reader at Kurilpa events, then took us out of the Atmosphere altogether and out into orbit with a humourous tribute poem to the original Doctor Smith from the 60’s TV sci-fi cult classic, “Lost in Space”.

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He followed up with his classic piece of olfactory erotic, an earthy tribute to a lover’s musk entitled, “You Stink Good”.

Our enigmatic Visual Arts Director, Shane K, not content with inflicting the Dadaist rambling of George Herriman upon our fragile brains, then gave us a hearty historical tour of the works of celebrated “Bad Poets”. One such was George Withers, notorious as the poet whose terrible poetry saved his Life.

When captured and scheduled for execution by Royalist forces during England’s civil war, a certain court poet successfully appealed to King Charles for clemency, on the curious grounds that, “As long as George Withers lives, no-man can say I’m the worst Poet living”.

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The break brought us more madly mellifluous music from Moon-hawk Pat Hehir, whilst in the kitchen Linda Loop, Carol Balfour and “fly-in/fly-out” volunteer Jen Dobbyn had worked with machine like precision to produce a fine Feast for One and All.

SAV took the stage for a second set that ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous. From the bullshitting burlesque of “I found a Bud on the footpath, Maaate”, to his sincere and tender tribute to the inspirational warrior for Aboriginal land Rights, Tommy Lingiari of Wave Hill Station.

He concluded with a cover 80’s Punk Poet, John Cooper Clark, classic rant: “I fell in Love with a Creature from Outer Space”.

Paul D himself opened the second Open Mic session with a poem about his Osteopath, known in the Trade as “Eric the Back-Breaker”. A drunken Reverend Hellfire decided to sing his poem.

Crooning “There’s always a worm in the apple”, but strangely he seemed quite pleased about it. Ken gave us “Clay for Meat!”-shades of Gilgamesh! Shane brought us more bad poets, Geoffrey reminisced about how Henry Lawson’s mother interfered with his romance with Mary Gilmore.

The Day drifting to its conclusion. At the front desk Secretary John was counting up the Money, Linda & Jen were in the kitchen, possibly eating bread and honey.

I’ll let the pictures explain the rest.

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The Truth behind the 2017 Kurilpa Poetry Cup!

The 2016 Cup.. well, one of them!

We encourage newcomers to the Kurilpa Poetry Cup to delve deeply into our Archives

and there peruse the Historical Records, to learn thereby the fascinating Facts

and monstrous Myths surrounding the origins of this revered Ancient Folk Ritual.

Truth Seekers should Click on the link below to discover..

The True History of the Kurilpa Poetry Cup

The 2013 Kurilpa Poetry Cup

An early relic; The 2013 Kurilpa Poetry Cup

2017 KURILPA POETRY CUP, Sunday, 26th Feb

Announcing that, yes, it’s time for;

The 2017



Sunday, 26th February, 2017

at the olde Croquet Club

91 Cordelia Street, West End.


Fabulous Prizes!

Mystery Musicians!

The Virtual Gallery!

Free Food & Refreshments!

And Special Feature Poet



And so as the esteemed Kurilpa Poetry Cup stumbles into it’s 6th year, it finds itself in danger of becoming a local Institution! But we shall do our best to ignore the encroaching ravages of Respectability and console ourselves with the thought that most of our Poets belong in some sort of Institution anyway.

We’re proud to have 2-time Cup winner


graciously agree to act as Judge, Jury, and Executioner for the Kurilpa Poetry Cup this year.


Twirls mustache, laughs sinister..

Cam, of course, will also be our Feature Poet for the occasion, as it’s become a Kurilpa Cup tradition

(or perhaps convention) that the presiding Judge also appears that day as Feature Poet, giving aspiring new poets an opportunity to learn from the Best, and we always try to have the most Inspirational Poets available to judge the Cup (hence recent Judges include Robin Archibold, David Stavanger

and David Hallett)


2015 Judge Arch, The Rev and Cam Logan winning his second Kurilpa Poetry Cup

Besides we feel it only fair to give our Judges an opportunity to show they can Walk the Walk as well as Talking the Talk, lest there be doubters or mockers. But doubt not! Globe-trotting Cam Logan is up there with the best of them. Check out his recent experimental work as FREE LUNA 

So come one come all. Bring your best poems and join the fray, or come to listen and enjoy the day!

The 2016 Cup.. well, one of them!

The 2016 Cup.. well, one of them!


The details are pretty much as always;

*Sign up is from 1.45.

*The first round will start approx 2.20.

*A number of finalists will be selected to go on to the final round, so have at least 2 two poems prepared.

*The Cup is free to enter.

*You can use props or musical instruments or assistants.

*There is not usually a time limit, but if there are a large number of entrants we may have to ration out reading time on the day. We therefore advise keeping yr poems under 4 minutes.

The Winning Poet will be showered with prizes, receiving;

An elegant, repurposed Trophy,

A handsome certificate suitable for framing or lining the budgie cage,

$50 in cash,

and of course, the traditional

Loaf of Bread, Jug of Wine and Book of Verses.

Runners up will get a certificate and some sort of trinket.

The 2013 Kurilpa Poetry Cup

The 2013 Kurilpa Poetry Cup

Please note that while it’s free to take part in the Cup, there will be a $5 door charge for all.

So come and Join us 2pm Sunday 26th February

for the fabulous KURILPA POETRY CUP

at the old Croquet Club, 91 Cordelia Street

on the edge of sacred Musgrave Park

and stay tuned for further updates..


2016's joint KPC winners, Andrew Ellery and Fiona Privitera

2016’s joint KPC winners, Andrew Ellery and Fiona Privitera compare Cup sizes

KURILPA POETS “May-niac Musings” with CAM LOGAN, May 29th



Sunday 29th May 2pm

“May-niac Musings”

With Feature Poet


and Mystery Musician


May 2016 final web handbill V2

Delve into the depths of Poetic Lunacy this May

with the Kurilpa Poets as we lift the Bell-jar and see what comes crawling out from underneath.

Yes, from the Mystical Madness of William Blake to Rimbaud’s‘ poetic derangement of the senses, and on through Artauds’ Theatre of Cruelty and Bukowski’s tales of Ordinary Madness,

the Altered Realities of Insanity have often

provided Poets with both Muse and Method.

Cam 2015 cup winner

Madcap “Bard of Ipswich”, Cam Logan

Freshly released from an un-named Ipswich Psychiatric Facility,

our Feature Poet this month will be non-other than two-time Kurilpa Poetry Cup winner and scourge of Insect-infested pianos, Cam Logan.

Sadly for us, this will be something of a Farewell Performance for Cam, as he is soon to be heading to Japan

 to bring Enlightenment to the natives, or teach English or something.

Cam dont call me piano man Logan

Who knows when the Winds of Fortune might bring the “Bard of Ipswich” back to our shores, so don’t miss this last opportunity to experience the mellifluous barbs of this celebrated Satirist.

Jem Sparkles

Jem Sparkles

Providing soothing Musical Therapy for the inmates will be our regular Mystery Musician, that lovely Loon with a tune, Ms Jem Sparkles. (Jem may or may not be playing with her imaginary support band, depending on whether the new medication is taking effect)

Reverend&skeleton croppedreduced

Skipping his medications entirely for the day to act as MC (Master of Craziness), the Reverend Hellfire will be treating us to his own auditory hallucinations, presented in the form of poems.

And of course we’ll be providing Occupational Therapy in the form of 2 Open Mic sessions so whether you’re a crazed Visionary in a garret, or the Last Sane Voice in a World gone Mad, we’d love to have you come and share your words with us.

As always the Virtual Gallery will be providing Visual stimulation with the disturbing work of Unsuspected Artists extracted from the archives by our Visual Arts Director.

And as usual there’ll be Free Food and Refreshments, Prizes, Free on-site parking and some of the friendliest Poets in Town.

All this and more for a mere $5 ($3 members)

Kurilpa Poets logo

So come and join us

beneath the Healing Trees

of sacred Musgrave Park at

The Olde Croquet Club

91 Cordelia Street, West End.

Sunday, 29th May, 2pm

club and tree foliage

Post script; It is Kurilpa Custom for the community-minded to bring some fruit, or a plate or bottle or packet of something nice, to contribute to the Feast.

home of the water rat2


KURILPA POETS Present July 26th; David Stavanger & Anne-Marie Te Whiu

"Oh He got thdewhole world in his hands.." David S contemplates world poetic domination!

“Oh He got thdewhole world in his hands..” David S contemplates world poetic domination!


David (GHOSTBOY) Stavanger

& Anne-Marie Te Whiu

Quiet Achiever and Kurilpa Feature Poet, MsAnne-Marie Te Whiu

Quiet Achiever and Kurilpa Feature Poet, MsAnne-Marie Te Whiu

Sunday, 26th July, 2pm

The Croquet Club, 91 Cordelia Street, West End

The last Sunday in July is approaching rapidly and what a great line-up

the Kurilpa Poets are putting on this month.

First up, we are honoured to present as special Feature Poets for July

none other than the esteemed Co-Directors

of the 2015 Queensland Poetry Festival,

Mr David (Ghostboy) Stavanger and his partner in all crimes cultural,

the charming Ms Anne-Marie Te Whiu.


As Ghostboy, David is of course, a well known Presence

in the Brisbane Poetry Community, while Annie has been a quiet achiever,

responsible behind the scenes for many local Cultural Events.

Generously taking time off from their many arduous duties as Custodians of Brisbane’s premier Poetry Event to appear at our humble venue,

together Dave and Annie will no doubt amaze and beguile the crowd

with their words, and make this an afternoon to remember.

Here’s some pictures from Ghostie’s last appearance at Kurilpa;

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Mystery Musician of the Month is the ever-smiling

Jem Sparkles, who kept us so well entertained

at last May’s “Mad Maids” Event.

Jem Sparkle shines on

Jem Sparkle shines on

This month she will be performing solo, sans her “Sparkle Boys“.

Cam "dont call me piano man" Logan

Cam “dont call me piano man” Logan

Master of Ceremonies for July is the ever-popular

Cam Logan, recent winner of the2015 Kurilpa Cup.

Boxes by 2014 Virtual Gallery guest ;Brian Gilmore

Boxes by 2014 Virtual Gallery guest ;Brian Gilmore

The Virtual Gallery will no doubt be showing something

weird and wonderful from Art’s Forgotten Vaults, courtesy

of our Visual Arts Director Shane Kneipp

and as always our 2 Open Mic sessions will be there

for you to share your words (or someone elses for that matter)

in an informal and supportive atmosphere.

food selection

Food and Refreshments are provided Free

but we encourage people to bring a plate or a packet

or a bottle of something to contribute to the Feast.


Free On-site Parking and close to Public Transport.


Only $5 Entry $2 Members


So come and join us beneath the Tree’s,

we’ll share Food and Friendship

and Poetry.

club and tree foliage

All Friendly Folk welcome.

home of the water rat2


28th June Photo review; Croquet Club Grand Opening

Return to the Croquet Club

crowd shot shot

Kurilpa June 28th Photo review.

Yes, there was a certain amount of pandemonium at the start of the Kurilpa Poets’ Grand Opening of their spiritual home, the newly renovated Croquet Club in sacred Musgrave Park.

The fridge and the urn had disappeared, as had the kitchen staff. There were clearly not enough chairs and the Mystery Musician

had mysteriously vanished.

But things soon settled down into their usual cheerful chaos;

Shane had the Virtual Gallery up and running with a Tribute to the Art of the Angry Penguins.

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The Blind Dog was found and led to the stage. Armed with only an ancient battered acoustic guitar, with a hole hacked out of the back, and an upended water jug for occasional percussion, Donnie took us back to the heart of the blues. Meanwhile the Reverend (cheerfully blue bearded for the occasion) gathered the scattered poets for the Open Mic and the kitchen volunteers (Linda and John) performed their usual miracles.

Linda and food

After the first Open Mic session & afternoon tea, Feature Poet Cam Logan delivered a powerful and impassioned set which completely won the audience over.

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Indeed, come the end of his set, an encore was unanimously and noisily demanded by the audience. I can’t actually recall anyone else getting an encore before so well done Cam!

Cam and Crowd

It would take a brave poet to go on after that reception, but undeterred the Loaded Dog quietly took centre stage next, to deliver his own High-caliber performance. Greg (the Loaded Dog) Secombe‘s poems are both unashamedly “political” yet at the same time intensely personal. This, at times almost biblical intensity, can disturb people (this is after all, the Age of Not-Caring) but the Dog knows that one of a Poet’s duties is to speak out and call down the False Idols in Power.

loaded dog cautious

The Loaded Dog bites!

There were more fine words and music after that,

as my afternoon slid into a good natured blur.

A Diversity of Voices passed thru the Open Mic; Newcomer Jim Lamb brought a taste of the bush to our inner-urban enclave. Michael Vaughan delivered a string of perfectly polished poem-ettes like pearls. Haviere read us poems in Spanish that sounded like water running over pebbles. Jefferson Evans effervesced.

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Theresa and John and guitarist friend Alex jammed with Donnie.

The Women “revolted” and took over the Open Mic.

Sue Fihelly, Fiona Privitera and new comer

Penny Hayes all read with presence and style.

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New Members signed up and Old Members renewed whilst John dutifully washed many dishes & cups in the kitchen thruout the afternoon. We made enough money to cover the rent and everyone agreed they had a great day.

I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

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There are more photos which I’ll hopefully put up later, here’s a few more in the meantime..

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See you all next month.

Words; Unckle Rat

Pictures; Shane Kneipp*

home of the water rat2


September WORD JAM Photo Review

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Kurilpa Elder, Paul Dobbyn


The ever dapper Rev Hellfire



PhoTO RevIew

SEptember 28th, the Kurilpa Poet Meet

                     was a colourful Do,

with plenty of fine words,

           and some sweet Tones Too.

Blushing bride

Theresa Tracey nee/ Creed

                                         opened the Show/

                           we all took heed.

Then the open Mic Poets took off

running next,

KUDOS young Man!

KUDOS young Man!

                                        it was Go man Go!

Gil Daleys Visuals

swirled in the Gallery Virtual,

the Rotunda as always

was filled with folk affable,

afterwords it was all

Sonic Soup and Word Stew

as musos and poets twanged, howled and blew,

Linda Loop, the Rev and Cam

Sasha, Noelle, Tony, Sam

and others unnamed

                         all had a go at this word/music game.

                                   Later survivors lay on the lawn

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Tony (Pig City) K.

and watched the sun set

and the night being born.

See you all in October, Water Rats!


Photos by Shane Kneipp. Words by Unckle Rat.


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Bush Poet Anita comes to town




Sash Cuha reads the Bible

C360_2014-09-28-16-03-20-420 copy

C360_2014-09-28-17-16-50-600 copyC360_2014-09-28-16-17-47-965 copy Noelle Crim & Mr S


PhoTO RevIew

SEptember 28th, the Kurilpa Poet Meet


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ELEMENTAL –Photo Review

The Alchemy of Poetry

Photo Review: Kurilpa Poets at West End Library

19th July, 2014

featuring:  Sasha Cuha,

                   Cameron Logan

and the  Reverend Hellfire.

Review written by Unckle Rat. Photos by Shane Kneipp

The Reverend Hellfire invokes the Alchemy of Poetry

The Reverend Hellfire distills the Alchemy of Poetry


curious crowd gathered that Thursday evening

to witness the Kurilpa Poets work their magic

in an attempt to transmute the base substance of Reality


into the Alchemical



of Poetry.

Dealt some technical difficulties at the last moment

with the projector, the Poets overcame handicaps

and delivered a powerful performance.

Down to mood lighting and candles,

a suitably mystic ambience was created

as the three feature poets took turns at the Mic.

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and this chap came all the way from Manchester to be here

and this chap came all the way from Manchester to be here





crowd shot

Performing for the first time a suite of “Elemental” poems, the Reverend struck a ritual note that gave the Evening structure and added new dimensions to the groups work. The Elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Spirit were all exposed to a surrealistic/impressionistic character sketch cum invocation.


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neil short

Neil Short of the West End Library was our genial host


audience member Mr Keneally spake also

audience member Mr Keneally spake also












Spontaneous artistic contributions from the audience was the order of the day. Bob Mud wandered around

playing soothing ambient sounds on his eclectic collection

of odd instruments, whilst known Sasha Cuha associate,

Red headed Samwise on guitar, likewise

provided some Life and colour to the night’s proceedings

with his impromptu riffings and melodic explorations.


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test rev amuses crowdopen mic bob mudtes5sash bent  lib crowd cam greentestsash crwodxtest red revx





test sammie clapsTony Kneipp steps up



Later, suitably refreshed, the house lights went back on

and we were treated to a diverse selection of verse

from audience members. The feature poets also

did a reprise at this time

bringing the evening to a successful close.

Poets up Late?

Why, the evening for some of us had just begun!


Elemental! Poets manifest at West End Library, June 19th

 rev on fire

West End Library & the

Kurilpa Poets

are proud to present

Poets Up Late!


Thursday 19th June


178 Boundary Street

West End

In Celebration of the Approaching Solstice

the Reverend




will perform 


Five Poetic Invocations to

the Elements


Water, Earth, Air, Fire, and Spirit.


Manifesting also on this occasion

Shamanic chants, Rants and Mantra’s from

Multi-faceted Gold Coast Artist, Poet & Musician

Sasha Cuha,

***Sasha flipped head

Completing the Triad, Kurilpa Cup winner and native Ipswichian

Cameron Logan

Cameron Logan
Cameron Logan

will be Opening his own Weird & Wonderous worde-horde of Way-out and Wacky Wisdom!


* Free Entry * Open Mic session * all welcome *

* Refreshments will be Served at Intermission *

for more information Call West End Library on (07) 3403 8620


final logo Jpig
