This video features some of the Kurilpa Poets in full Performance Mode at St Columbans High School in Caboolture a couple of years back, way back in the Before Time, back when people gathered without masks & VR codes & the legion of Social Restrictions that hedge us in today..

Up on stage (or down the back of the hall in Cam Logans‘ case) we see the Water Rats finest strut & fret their stuff, with the Reverend Hellfire, Sasha Cuha, Anita Reed, Paul Dobbyn & Theresa Tracey Creed demonstrating their skills at delivering the Word..

Lets hope live Poetry comes back in the Not Too Distant Future!






MAY 2021

And so they emerged creeping and crawling out of their lairs and burrows where they’d been lurking the past year or more. We did our best to be Covid Safe but there was many a non-compliant hug and hearty hand-shake amongst the gathered Survivors, and who could blame them? After all this time, an elbow just didn’t cut it.

Be that as it may, the day kicked off amidst jovial confusion.

Launching the gig was our very own Versifying Local Councillor Jono Sri

At the Mic.. Mr Jono SRI

Jono gave his usual impassioned and articulate performance, leading off with the classic “Change is Coming to Brisbane”-a personal favourite, he catches the growing cognitive dissonance as we watch Everything we love about the place being buried beneath the relentless Bulldozer of “Progress”.

Still his Poetry offers us Humour & Hope; “There is Coral in the Skyscrapers,” he reminds us.

“I will miss you every Day!!” Our beloved Jem Sparkle assured us, all aglitter in her suit of lights. keened & crooned, howled, growled and moaned and somehow managed to do it whilst smiling her radio-active all the way!

she assured us

Poetic Maestro David H

David Hallett, jet-lagged but still jovial, came wading up out of the “Byron Bay Ocean of Tattoo Blue” to deliver an entertaining set of blistering Jeremiads & gentle Reveries- many drawn from his recent slim volume of Verse-

Out of the Blue“.

“This poem is not made in China,” he reassures us,


David’s black humour, heavily laced with Irony, keeps us laughing in Recognition, even as our Freedom is being Micro-chipped away, bit by byte. In a post apocalyptic Dreamtime, Gina Reinhart manifests as a monstrous Toad, devouring the Landscape and shitting out Poisons.


“..and lets not forget the product!”


The Open Mic

was very well attended, the local poets keen to share their thoughts and words..

Stepping onto the stage for the OPEN MIC Session,

we saw 16 poets step up to the Microphone;

Michael Vaughan/ Doctor John Jiggens/ Shane K / Kurilpa newcomer Stuart joined us also/ Linda Loop emerged from the kitchen/ Bernadette le Goullion & Trent as a tag-team act/ Kurilpa Elder Paul Dobbyn emerged from Retirement, Jack Keegan (another newcomer)/ Kalkadoon Elder Theresa Tracey Creed & Consort John Tracey also put in an appearance/ Green haired SUIN (pronounced Shoon) returned to us, as did the ever individualistic SAVANNU/ CHASE our youngest ever poet/ yet another newcomer Darryl O’Brien /old comrade Greg Georges and of course the Reverend Hellfire himself (no show without Punch!)

There goes the Mic..

The Reverend’s persistent clumsy mishandling of the whole Covid- related Mic-Cleansing process

became the afternoon’s running joke, and it’s ultimate spectacular destruction as a consequence provided the appropriate punch line. [“I sounded a word of warning!” recalls L Loop]

What can you do with them?

Open Mic

Open Mic was led off by respected Poet & Pitta Pitta & Kalkadoon Elder, Theresa Tracey-Creed with a handful of poems ranging from the agonies of the Stolen Generation and Killing Fields marked by chips of Opal, to the simple pleasures of Yabbie hunting as a kid in the local creek and cooking up a big feed afterwards.


Kitchen Diva Linda Loop emerged to deliver a mesmerizing Acapella piece “Silence is a Rhythm Too”-imperiously stopping the song after one verse to demand more echo from the stage crew who scurried to comply, before continuing on to a soaring conclusion and much applause.


John Tracey up next delivered three short, sharp, subversive hits, with laconic titles like “Democracy” and “Bureaucracy” and one I missed..

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Next up the youngest poet ever to take the stage at Kurilpa, this being young Chas aged 7, who stepped up to deliver a poem he’d written during the break on a cardboard cup squashed flat. Definitely extra points for the cup, hell anyone can write a poem on a piece of paper! Chas is actually songstress Jem Sparkles’ nephew, so it’s no wonder he displays artistic talent.


“You might try doubling the dose” advised Viridian haired Suin (pronounced Shoon”) before reading an inspirational poem from South American Poet Aurora Morales;

“in the shadow of the cruel Empire/

imagine winning.”


Enigmatic Visual Arts Director Shane K., gave us a shaggy dog of a poem that wandered from cats bursting into flame,

past old Gilgamesh sitting in the shadows to Aliens subjecting him to unspeakable indignities as his Mother clucked disapprovingly. Yes. It was all a Dream.

Shane then went on to better our knowledge of the days’ featured Visual Artist, Danish Surrealist Wilhelm Freddie and his battles with the Nazi’s in Copenhagen.


There is only one SAVANNU, and no-one else reads or writes poems like he does. Filling the gap left by Kurilpa’s absence he’s been running a little “Poems Written while you Wait” stall at King George Square in town. No doubt to the confusion and amazement of the City Clerks & Shoppers. If you’re in the City make sure you drop by to say hello and order a poem.

Today, as always, Sav laughed last, and it is not a laugh that leads to restful nights.


Newcomer Jack Keegan gave us his “Disgusting Snot Poem”- and what a wheeze & sneeze it was- at least one sensitive Patron left the room to avoid contamination.


STUART reminded us that Extinction is Forever and mourned the long gone Thylacine./

“Mount Warning’s a Bitch” warned a jovial Paul Dobbyn, and went onto justify his case with anecdotal evidence./

Greg Georges was forced to go acoustic after the Reverend’s destruction of the Microphone, and delivered us a legend of a Migrating Bird./ The Reverend reassured us that his satirical poem on Backyard Bully’s clad in Hawain Shirts and Thongs who go on to kill themselves, their ex-wife & child in a blaze of newspaper headlines, had nothing to do with our beloved prime Minister/ Darryl O’Brien brandished his laptop to deliver his stylish wordplay before exeunting with flourish/

and there was probably more but I’ve lost the rest of my notes!

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All and all it was a successful day, with many readers and a good mix of old & new faces.. The lack of our usual Beggars’ Banquet was sorely felt and something better will have to be worked out before the next gathering; one can’t live on Poetry alone, alas, you’ve got to have some Bread as well, even if it’s only to soak up the Wine.

a dapper Mr Treason surveys the wreckage

Speaking of Gatherings, we’re not sure when the next will be. We won’t be doing them monthly at this stage with the Covid Chaos as it is, but we’ll probably be back by August/September for a Spring Show.

In the meantime keep writing those Poems, singing those songs and ctreating that Art.


Words: Uncle Rat

Photos; Shane K

glitter girl


EMERGE!-the Kurilpa Poets return, 30th May

The Kurilpa Institute of Creativity in conjunction

with the Gabba Ward Office present;


The Return of the Kurilpa Poets!

2pm. Sunday, 30th May, 2021


Special Guest Feature Poets;





with Mystery Musician


2 Open Mic sessions/ Virtual Gallery/Masks & Gloves provided free!/Covid-Safe Refreshments

The Old Croquet Club, 91 Cordelia Street, West End

-Entry $5 (Cash Only)-


Well folks, after a Year of cowering in their burrows, the Water Rats have emerged once more (after first having tentatively sniffed the Air for Danger) to strut & fret their hour upon the stage once more and dance upon the olde Croquet Club lawn! So come along & join us! Break out of Quarantine! Bring your poems! Lend us your ears and marvel at the Visual Oddities of the Virtual Gallery!

Opening the show for us will be none other than our very own Political Firebrand & Poetic Iconoclast, non-other than

Gabba Ward Greens’ Councillor JONO SRI!

Jono’s Poetry, like his politics, is powerful stuff- impassioned and persuasive, straight from the heart verse delivered as clarion call.

We thank Jono for his continued support and for finding the time to fit the Kurilpa Poets into his busy, busy schedule.

There’s no Show without a little Sparkle, so naturally we’ve booked the ever effervescent JEM SPARKLES to provide the Musical Soundtrack for the Occasion and provide a happy Vibe. Jem’s been busy during the Lock down, writing and recording new material and we look forward to hearing her latest batch of fabulous, Seventies’ tinged Rock & Roll classics.

Our other Guest Feature Poet for the occasion is the legendary DAVID HALLETT, all the way from Nimbin, down South over the Border.

As well as being a great Poet in his own write (I stole that pun from John Lennon) David has also tirelessly worked to keep Poetry alive in the Northern Rivers, running the monthly gig at the Rails in Byron Bay for many years, and has currently got a regular Poetry event happening in Lismore.

David will be bringing up copies of his latest book Out of the Blue

(his first published collection in ten years) for the discerning public, so make sure you don’;t miss this opportunity to get hold of a signed copy. David’s eclectic mix of poems address the spin of politics and media, climate chaos, love, shopping and our maddening digital world

with a mix of Intelligence & Humour, Anger & Sorrow.

There’s plenty more information about David’s various activities and products at his website;


Ok Folks that’s it for now. There’ll be further updates concerning the Event, Food and  Covid requirements, & Kurilpa Poets activities   in general posted on our Website & Facebook. Meantime, Followers & Friends do get in touch if we haven’t heard from you for awhile, and otherwise we hope to see you all on the 30th May.

Cheers. The Rev


EMERGE! is co-hosted by the Kurilpa Institute of Creativity Inc

and the Gabba Ward Office of Councillor Jono Sri.



2019 Kurilpa Poetry Cup

Photo Review

It was a Brilling Day, and there were certainly at least a handful of borogroves out there on the Wabe, but as to whether they were gimbling or gyring, it was impossible to say at that distance.

Meanwhile the Poets were gathering in their numbers inside the Old Croquet Club at sacred Musgrave Park for the running of the fabulous Kurilpa Poetry Cup.

This was the Seventh occasion that the Cup has been run & won and thirteen talented Poets lined up at the track this year to compete for the honour of winning this fabulous

Literary Artefact, long reputed to possess Mystical Powers.

We were fortunate to have as Feature Poet and esteemed Poetic Judge this year, non-other than our very own local City Councillor, noted Political Maverick & Poetic Firebrand,

Mr Jonothan SRI.

Rousing the Rabble, Mr Jono Sri

It was also an emotional occasion for the regular crew, as this was to be our last monthly event held at the old Croquet Club, where we have had so many memorable Events over recent years. But all things change, and current President Cam has already taken steps to find us a new home, and so we shake off the nostalgia like a dog that’s just come bounding out of the Sea, and look forward to the Future with bright &eager eyes.

The REV smiting the ungodly

Straight up out of the gates was former Kurilpa President, the Reverend Hellfire. This was the first time the Rev has been able to participate in the Cup himself due to ‘conflict of interest’ issues in previous years, but now out of Office, he was keen to take this opportunity to demonstrate his poetic prowess, with a wandering shaggy dog story covering Magic, Flying Saucers and SCUD missiles, (amongst other things) that took him through to the Second Round.

The erudite & fertile Fiona Privitera

Following the Rev was another firm favourite with the Water Rats, non-other than Fiona Privitera herself, on this occasion accompanied by her onboard passenger. (editors note; said Passenger has since arrived. Mother & Child are doing well) Fi was the Kurilpa Poetry Cup winner herself a couple of years back and her poetry has the ability to be both clinical and emotional and though invariably delivered quietly, it always packs a kick. Her selection for this occasion won her a well deserved place in the Final round.

Next up was Paul Dobbyn with a humorous conversational/observational poem with Beetlesque overtones that landed him in Christchurch with a cracked skull.

Paul Dobbyn points the way forward

Gentleman Poet, Mr Michael Vaughan then took the stage to deliver in a quiet but confident tones a perfectly phrased Love poem in the sonnet form, framed, as is his wont, with appropriate quotations.

Though this was apparently the first time Hayley P. aka “Pixxigutzz” has ever read in public, she took to the stage and delivered her angst-laden but feisty verse with a verve & confidence that took her on to the finals. PG indeed!

Next up, that Dynamo of Dyslexia, the ever popular SAVANU, demonstrating the gentle art of using “found objects” from your environment (eg signs, menus, etc) to construct poems. If that sounds confusing, believe me, it all adds $39.60 on this occasion, apparently. SAV knows.

Next up was TREEBEARD, who had travelled all the way from Arnhem Land to be with us, a rapping Daedalus from the Desert seamlessly delivering a Tripping Tap-dancing rap at impressive length. Perhaps he learned the circular breathing technique for playing didgereedoo while up in the Territory? Whatever, his powerful performance took him to the next round.

Our Visual Arts Director, Shane K then stepped forth to demonstrate his skills in a different Medium from his usual oeuvre, delivering us a charming piece of whimsy concerning a Cats Dream, that won the Judges heart and took Shane thru to the finals.

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Also demonstrating unsuspected talents was David, Cello Player extraordinary and known musical associate of of the lovely JEM SPARKLES, explaining (on general principles) why,

I will not become a member.

Joining us all the way from Murwillumbah was Damien Becker,

a member of local outfit there, the Poetry Out Loud Crew, I believe. Damien gave us a thoughtful & moving meditation on Art, the Environment, and what we will leave for our Grandchildren, that drew sustained applause from the audience and earned him a place in the Final Round.

Local Legend, the “Loaded Dog” was up next, delivering an appropriately Lawson-esque Diss on the chicanery of Modern Day Politicians. A Poet with bite!

Twas good to see Nigel Q return to the Kurilpa Poets stage again.

He told us an archetypal tale,

entertaining us with the antics of our local Cops & Robbers.

Wrapping up the First Round was FLO, a young chap with a French accent, who accompanied himself on the keyboards to croon to us an atmospheric Cabaret style poem. Wow! It was great, and a fitting way to cap off the Opening Round.

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So then it was break time and whilst the Poets chatted and ate and made merry, up on stage Jem SPARKLES shimmered and shone, stomping & moaning and growling and purring her up-beat selection of Original tunes and Seventies favourites. When she kicked into “Ring of Fire” the Rev could hold back no longer and falling to his knees at Jem’s feet, sang an impassioned accompaniment to the second verse.

Young David on Cello soared industriously away, ably supporting Jem’s pyro-technics with a magnificent humm & thrumm. The two muso’s wove a rich full sonic tapestry to enfold us in.

Fittingly for this, our final gig at the Croquet Club, Jem ended her last set with a Stirling rendition of Jimmy Morrison & the Doors doom laden classic, “The End” and left the stage to rapturous applause.

Next up it was time for our esteemed, elected local representative

Kurilpa Cup Judge, Mr Jonothan Sri to stretch his poetic legs.

He clearly enjoyed the opportunity to get back to his poetic roots,

and delivered a powerhouse set, passionate and visionary.

Jono knows his material by Heart, for it comes from the Heart, and he delivers in a style both precise & well articulated and somehow at the same time, conversational. No doubt about it, as a Performance Poet he is up there with the best.

Whilst outside the Plovers screeched in accompaniment

inside Jono declaimed “Change is coming to Brisbane”,

railing with the fervour of an old Testament Prophet

and the audience responded with their own fervour.

Councillor SRI in action

For the final round Jono selected 6 poets to deliver a second poem;

Treebeard, Shane K., Damien Becker, The Reverend Hellfire, Fi and Ms Pixxiegutzz.

All six deserved their place in the second Round, and as Jono admitted, there were a couple more who could easily have been selected. Yes, the poetic quality was high that day, the content was eclectic and varied, and overall I didn’t hear a single dud poem.

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Reverend Hellfire led off with his own Epic of Environmental Angst, laden with prophetic foreboding. Damien Becker delved into the deeply personal to discover the archetypal. Shane K had Death itself nibbling at his buttocks, Treebeards’ reflected ruminations proved to be conclusively inconclusive, and MZ PixxieGutz confirmed her reputation as the articulate voice of Teen Angst, while Fi’s gentle tale spoke to us of the quiet joys of Domestic Bliss, Love and Food. Especially the Food.

Linda surveys the art of the enigmatic Shane K.

And so it was Judgement Hour. Various Public Service Announcements of Interest filled the brief interlude, as our worthy Judge tallied his notes, flipped coins, and prepared his Alibis. Meanwhile Visual Arts Director Shane K was subjected to questioning over his Art, which was featuring on the Virtual Gallery for the occasion.

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I didn’t envy Jono his task. Judging Poetry performances is fraught with peril at the best of times. How much weight should be given to the Delivery? the Content? the Skill shown in the construction, to the “Punch” of the Poem itself, the immediate visceral Hit of Recognition when a poem is saying it & laying it down True?

Starting with the Judges’ Traditional Opening Remarks on the Difficulty of their Task, Jono when on to thoughtfully and generously review the Work presented that day. But in the end, as they say, there can only be One Winner (well, actually one year we had Two winners, and ever since then we’ve kept a spare Cup to one side..just in case) and in this particular instance, it was our Journeyman Poet from across the Tweed, Mr Damien Becker who won the day with his alchemically constructed poetry that amalgamated the Personal with the Political

and distilled it into the Philosophical.

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Showing that the Judges instincts weren’t entirely amiss,

it was then revealed that Damien was also this years winner of the People’s Choice Award! This is the first time that a competing Poet has collected both Prizes simultaneously, so Damien can truly claim to have won both Critical and Popular acclaim.

(One of Damien’s prize winning poems will be appearing shortly on this site.)

All in all it was indeed a fabulous occasion, and a fitting goodbye to the old Croquet Club which has provided us with such a fine home for so long. Thanks to all the Poets, all the Listeners and everyone who contributed to make it such a memorable occasion.

just the usual assortment of ratbags & nogoodnoks


Words- Unckle Rat

Pictures; Shane K (mostly)


Kurilpa Poets Open Mic – Featuring THE TAPELOOPS – 29/September

That’s right, folks!

Though Spring has sprung and the heat of the Sun beats down upon us,

the Kurilpa Poets can never be beaten!

Join us this Sunday 29th September

at The Lucky Duck Cafe

for our “Famous Open Mic”,

as well as a set by Brisbane old-school poet-punk-anarcho-rebel-mindbending-storyteller musos,


The Tapeloops, living legends amongst us today

Brisbane’s original sonic prophets’

Reverend Hellfire, Linda Loop and John Treason

have been busily working away on a mysterious secret project, and now they’ve returned to again break the molds and clast the icons that we hold dear!

Be afraid!

Be very afraid!

Be sure to come to

The Luck Duck Cafe

(15 Gladstone Road, Highgate Hill, just a short walk from South Bank Station.)

From 1pm this Sunday,

the 29th of September.

And as always:

“Bring your voice,

and bring your Bitter Words & Sweet!”

Join the Reverend Hellfire & The Tapeloops., at the Lucky Duck




SYNTHESIA End-of-Year Word/Music Mash, 25th Nov.



SYNTHESIA Word/Music Mash-up!

SUNDAY 25th November, 2pm

The Croquet Club/91 Cordelia St


Hi fellow Water Rats & Friends!

It’s our last show at the old Croquet Club for 2018,

and to send the year off with a bang we’re going to mix it up a little with a Word/Music mash-up featuring some of the Water Rats’ favourite local Musicians & Poets.

Amongst the diverse luminaries;

Presidential emcee, Cam Logan will be bringing in his new improved Theremin to add suitable atmospherics. “Papa John” Tracey will be bringing in his acoustic geetar to the fray (and playing some of his new Agit-Pop songs)

Reverend Hellfire will be on theatrics and keyboards,  

whilst the lovely Linda Loop‘s trumpet will be heralding a new age as a host of local versifiers take to the stage to share their words & visions.

Adding to this multi-remedial melange, will be the Surrealistic Art of Joseph Cornell up on the Virtual Gallery.

Visual Arts Director, the enigmatic Shane Kafka tells us

that when European Surrealists fled the Nazi in the 40’s, they soon discovered that assemblage artist & experimental filmmaker Cornell (1903-1972) was America’s best native practitioner of that school.

Cornell is perhaps best remembered today for his “boxes”-hermetically sealed travelogues of the imagination.

So don’t miss this one! Come and join us in the air-conditioned comfort of the Olde Croquet Club beneath the shady trees of sacred Musgrave Park.

As always there’ll be 2 Open Mic sessions, fabulously eclectic company, free food & refreshments, free onsite parking, prizes and the usual kindness of strangers. Bring your words & musical implements,

or bring a bottle/plate/packet or something nice

to share at the feast but mostly bring yourself.

Food, glorious food!

All friendly folk welcome!

Admission a mere $8 or $5 for members.

(Cash only)


KURILPA POETS Annual General Meeting notice.

Kurilpa Institute of Creativity Inc

2018 AGM

Just a quick reminder to all our members that the Kurilpa Poets/KICI AGM is occuring this Sunday, 30th September at 1pm

at the old Croquet Club, 91 Cordelia Street, West End.

The AGM will be held before our usual entertaining show at 2pm (this month featuring the words of Theresa Creed & the music of Matt Barnes.)

This meeting is where we elect our Management Committee and deal with our annual bureaucratic obligations and give members a chance to bring up any issues they feel important.

We strongly encourage all KICI members to participate in this arcane ritual, so neccessary for the continuance of our fabulous existence.

If you can’t make it, please contact Reverend Hellfire at to arrange a proxy vote.

The meeting is open to the puiblic, but only Kurilpa members can vote.

Hope to see you all there.


30/09 – Kurilpa Poets “Rite of Spring” – Theresa Creed, Mathew Barnes and AGM

Greetings, Water Rats!

After our August hiatus, the Kurilpa Poets are BACK, just in time for our yearly ritual of SPRINGTIME SUNNY EXTRAVAGANCE

Image result for classical painting bacchus

Pictured: Last Year’s AGM (Portrait courtesy of François Perrier)

That’s right, folks! As well as our usual open mic and afternoon tea, our feature act for the day will be none other than THERESA CREED, launching her album Aboriginal Woman.


Her album (which can be heard here: ) is a collaboration between her and former Kurilpa Mystery Muso and local blues maestro MATHEW BARNES. It weaves Theresa’s honest and captivating storytelling with the smooth, ambient waves of Matt’s guitar.

But wait, there’s more!

The time is upon us again for the Kurilpa Poets AGM, where we elect our Central Committee and rubber stamp our way into existence for another year.

All current members of the Kurilpa Poets are encouraged to attend and put in their two cent’s worth.

And now, for the critical details!

Date: Sunday, 30th September, 2018

Time: 1PM for the AGM, 2PM for the Open Mic and Theresa’s album launch

Location: West End Croquet Club – 91 Cordelia Street, Musgrave Park, West End

Entry: $5 Members, $8 Non-members

All friendly folk welcome! Community-minded people are encouraged to bring a plate or a bottle to share for afternoon tea.